Acupressure points for Anxiety

Acupressure points for Anxiety, Acupressure treatment for Anxiety, Acupressure reflex points for Anxiety

Acupressure points for Anxiety

Acupressure points for Anxiety, Acupressure treatment for Anxiety, Acupressure reflex points for Anxiety


Acupressure treatment for Anxiety

Anxiety is of various types, a group of disorders in which a patient has many unknown fears, fear of death, anticipatory fear, with palpitation, chest pain, breathlessness, irritability, poor concentration, obsessions etc.

Acupressure treatment of Anxiety: -

Du 20, Ex 6, H7, SI4, Liv 3, St36, K channel

Reflex points : pituitary, pineal, brain.

Anxiety Ayurveda treatment and Indian home remedies for Anxiety

In our life we do some tasks just habit wise and while doing these tasks we often don't even think what will be the result of these of these tasks is – worry. When this worry becomes uncontrollable then it becomes the disease of worry called Anxiety Neurosis. Causes of anxiety, types of anxiety, symptoms of anxiety and their Ayurveda cure and treatments are listed in this article.

Although it is a practical truth of modern era that we cannot keep our lives free from worries completely. But it is also necessary to control the worry because once this worry gets out of control then it becomes a disease. In medical terms this disease is called Anxiety Neurosis. It is also true that many causes are present for this disease. Still, if we want then we can control the worries and can prevent it from becoming a disease. We are all aware of this fact that most of us waste so much time worrying about small things in our daily routine it becomes a tendency to worry about little things and person becomes affected from this disease called anxiety neurosis.

There are several remedies in Ayurveda and homeopathy for the treatments and cures of anxiety neurosis.

Fast, hectic, tense and busy lifestyle and routine life is not only speciality of today's life but also a compulsion. A person spends every day facing new challenges, tension, worries and unrest. As a result of this, he doesn't even know when he becomes the patient of this disease called anxiety. This is the reason why the number of patients of this disease is this advanced era most of the people are suffering from some kind of mental disease. One of these diseases is anxiety neurosis which is a type of psychoneurosis. In the root cause of all these problems is hectic and tense daily life. Suffering from some unrest is a common thing in today's time but when this unrest, uneasiness and worry becomes out of control then it becomes the disease of anxiety neurosis because then physical symptoms become visible. In simple words, anxiety neurosis is a state when symptoms of excessive worry or anxiety become visible in body. Once this disease takes control of somebody then it becomes very difficult for the person to come out of it.

Mind of the patient of anxiety never relaxes and is always indulged in worry and continuous thoughts. Due to this several types of unnecessary fallacies and fear start troubling the patient. In comparison to men, women are more affected from this disease. Patient of this disease makes excessive worries his or her behaviour and becomes affected by stress and anxiety in the small things of daily life. Patient of anxiety becomes tense and worried even if there are is no solid reason or cause of worry. The start of this disease happens from teenage to young age.

Causes of anxiety

There can be several causes of anxiety. Some of them are genetic (hereditary), physical, mental, financial and emotional. Many times, due to inferiority complex a person consider himself incapable. He believes that he cannot face the problems of daily life and gets affected by this disease.

Family history of this disease increases the chances of a person getting this fact, some people have such genetic structure that they can't handle the certain level of stress and worry which other people can a result they become patient of this disease called anxiety neurosis.

Anxiety is a mixed result of our mental, physical and behavioural system. Any kind of sharp blow, accident or sudden death of a loved one, failure in love or business, exploitation or any type of mental blow etc. are some more causes of anxiety. Long term use of alcohol, drug or substance, any financial trouble or long term chronic illness can also cause the condition of anxiety neurosis. Additionally, lack of sugar level in blood (Hypoglycaemia), lack or excess of thyroid hormone (hyper or hypothyroidism) are also the cause of anxiety neurosis.

This disease causes some changes in the chemicals of brain. These chemicals transfer information from one cell to other. These are called neuro transmitters. In the brain of the anxiety patient, imbalance of these chemicals is found. Levels of Serotonin, dopamine and especially GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) decreases in anxiety.

Types of anxiety neurosis

After this introduction of anxiety neurosis, let's now discuss the types of anxiety because origins and symptoms of the types of anxiety are also different:-

1)   Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) – this disease start from the teen age or youth but sometimes it starts in elder age as well. Patient of this disease is affected by excessive worry and anxiety. GAD patient always remain worried and scared. Most of the times his worries are related to daily routine works and his performance. He is always fearful that something bad will happen. With this some physical symptoms also become visible such as sweating in hands and feet, sleeplessness, tiredness, stomach problems, lack of concentration etc.

2)  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – today this problem is also on the rise. Patient of this disease starts behaving in strange manner and start doing strange activities. Unwanted thoughts, emotions and impulsiveness continuously come in patient's mind which patient is bound to follow. Patient of OCD is unable to control his thoughts and activities and cannot stop them even if he is willing to do so. For example, patient washes his hands again and again or keep checking again and again whether door is locked or not. Such continuous thoughts and impulses trouble the patient.

3) Panic disorder – patient of this disease gets sharp attacks of fear (panic attacks) which generally lasts for few minutes and reach their peak point in 10 minutes. Sometimes duration of panic attack last for few hours. Occurrence of any unpleasant incident or hearing about any unpleasant event can trigger a panic attack and patient falls in sharp fear. Shaking of hands and feet, pain in heart, increased heartbeat, nervosity, palpitation, sweating and shaking of body are some common symptoms of panic disorder.

4) Phobias - phobia means fear of certain things or situations. This fear can be of any animal, height, crowded place, closed place or darkness. There can be a family history of fear from certain things or situations. There is no need for treatment where there are possibilities to prevent the things or causes of fear but treatment becomes necessary where there are no chances of preventing the causes or situations which trigger phobia.

5)  Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - the reason behind this patient's fear is some past incident's blow. Generally its symptoms occur 3 months after the sad incident. These symptoms remain for one month. In some cases condition improves within 6 months. But in some cases this disease goes into the chronic stage and symptoms remain for years. Patient of this disease remains scared and consider himself helpless. Problems like Inconsistency in sleep, getting up in night scared, remaining depressed etc. Occur in this disease.

6)  Social anxiety disorder –  patient of this disease suffers from inferiority complex. He starts to believe that he is not capable in mixing with social situations. His self-confidence becomes very low. He is always worried that others will insult him or will find faults in him. Symptoms become sharp during speaking in front of others, eating-drinking and speaking with seniors.

Common symptoms of Anxiety

In this disease, physical symptoms are also present with psychological symptoms. There are different types of symptoms in different types of anxiety disorders. The intensity of symptoms depends on the condition and seriousness of the disease.

Psychological symptoms of anxiety – patient always remains worried and tense and become anxious in small-small things. Psyche remains affected by Unknown fears and person becomes scared. Mental condition of the patient changes frequently and sometimes he looks very optimistic and sometimes very depressed. Patient thinks he is very helpless. Patient is always worried that something bad will happen with him. Due to this patient becomes very frustrated, dull and lazy. And he doesn't enjoy his work. His libido becomes weak. Patient always remains lost in thoughts hence he doesn't get proper sleep in night and gets affected by sleeplessness. Patient of anxiety becomes tired, depressed and sad thus he wants to stay alone.

Physical symptoms of anxiety – excessive sweating in palm and sole, nervosity, pain in heart, difficulty in breathing, dryness of mouth and difficulty swallowing, loss of appetite, high blood pressure, frequent urination, shaking of hands and feet, increased heartbeat and breathing, headache, tension and pain in muscles, impotence etc.

Homeopathic remedies for anxiety

Homeopathic remedies not only treat the symptoms of anxiety neurosis but also treat the root causes of anxiety. Hence, once patient is cured with this method, there are very low chances for the patient to become affected by this disease.

Some major homeopathic remedies used in the treatment of anxiety neurosis are listed below:-

1)  Aconitum Napellus –

2)  Ignatia Amara

3) Arsenicum Album

4)  Argentum Nitricum