Paralysis Acupressure treatment

Acupressure points for Paralysis, Acupressure treatment for Paralysis, Acupressure reflex points for Paralysis.

Paralysis Acupressure treatment

Acupressure points for Paralysis, Acupressure treatment for Paralysis, Acupressure reflex points for Paralysis.


Acupressure treatment for Paralysis

Paralysis is the disease of nervous system. It is divided into 2 parts :-

•  Sensory – loss of senses.

•  Motor – loss of movements.

It can occur simultaneously or individually. It can be further divided into the following types :

•  Ascending motor paralysis – paralysis starting in lower parts & going to upper parts of the body.

•  Locomotor ataxia, paraplegia: paralysis of lower limps.

•  Paralysis agitans : trembling of paralyzed parts such as upper limbs, face, lower limbs or whole body.

•  Facial paralysis: paralysis of face, either right or left side.

•  Hemiplegia: paralysis of half side of the body either right side or left.

•  Monoplegia: paralysis of a single limb.

Causes of paralysis: -

•  Cerebrovascular injury ( injury to blood vessels of the brain).

•  Encephalitis ( inflammation of brain )

•  Multiple sclerosis

•  Hysterical paralysis.

•  Thrombosis (blood clot in the circulation).

•  Parkinsonism.

•  Injury to spinal cord.

Acupressure treatment for paralysis:

Du 20

Li 4, 11

TW 5

H 7

Ex 6

St 36, 44

GB 34

UB 62

For urine incontinence

Local points : CV 2 & other CV channel points.

Distal points : Sp 6, K 3

Reflex points: spinal column, brain, pituitary & all glands, kidneys.