Acupressure points for Diarrhoea, Acupressure treatment for Diarrhoea, Acupressure reflex points for Diarrhoea

Acupressure points for Diarrhoea, Acupressure treatment for Diarrhoea, Acupressure reflex points for Diarrhoea


Acupressure treatment for Diarrhoea

Diarrhoea is defined as morbidly frequent evacuation of bowel causing weakness and fatigue.

Diarrhoea can be acute or chronic. When diarrhoea continues for weeks or months either persistent or intermittent; it is called chronic diarrhoea; diarrhoea in new born babies is called infantile diarrhoea.

Causes of diarrhoea:

•  Deitic error – excessive quantity of food, excess of fat, carbohydrates or sweets.

•  Infections – a) viral – rota virus, cholera etc.

b) Bacterial – E coli, salmonella

c) Malaria, amoebiasis

•  Worm infestation

•  Intestinal T.B.

•  Ulcerative colitis

•  Gastro enteritis

Symptoms of diarrhoea:

•  Mild case:

•  Frequent stool up to 10-12 stools per day.

•  Low grade fever.

•  Severe case:

•  Diarrhoea with vomiting

•  Stool watery; odourless with or without blood and mucus.

•  Rapid dehydration – dry tongue & skin, sunken face, weakness, cramps.


Acupressure treatment of diarrhoea:

Du 14, 20

Sp 4,6,15

Sp 25, 34, 36, 37

CV 1,6, 12, 16

Liv 13

Li 4.

Reflex points: 8pp points of abdomen.