Acupressure treatment for Bronchitis

Acupressure points for Bronchitis, Acupressure treatment for Bronchitis, Acupressure reflex points for Bronchitis

Acupressure treatment for Bronchitis

Acupressure points for Bronchitis, Acupressure treatment for Bronchitis, Acupressure reflex points for Bronchitis s


Acupressure treatment for bronchitis

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the trachea & bronchus caused either by virus or bacteria. May be followed by bronchitis,

coryza, measles, influenza and whooping cough. Bronchitis is more common in people living in cold, damp, foggy & dusty environment. Cigarette & bidi smoking is also responsible for such infection. Exposure to household smoke from biofuel especially in villagers is almost always present.

Bronchitis can be:

•  Acute

•  Chronic

Symptoms of bronchitis:

•  Unproductive (dry) cough.

•  Pain and discomfort in the upper chest

•  Tightness in chest

•  Breathlessness with wheezing

•  Cough becomes productive after a few days starting with scanty sputum followed by mucopurulent and copious sputum; sometimes with blood.

•  Fever develops when the infection extends down.


Chest X-ray

Blood-ESR-T&D (neutrophillia is present

Acupressure treatment of bronchitis:

CV 17, 21

Sp 6, 16

GV 12

L 1,8

H 3

St 40

GB 20

SI 14

LI 4, 10

UB 10,11, 12,13,14,36,38, 41

Reflex points: chest, lung, large intestine, diaphragm, adrenal gland, kidney.