Ashwagandha is unparalleled in keeping the nervous system healthy, agile and powerful. It is also exceptional in increasing body's overall energy and treating disorders caused by Vata imbalance. Ashwagandha is a remedy/herb which is hot and possesses chemical qualities. Ashwagandha is the source and primary ingredient of many Ayurveda remedies including Ashwagandha Pak and Ashwagandha powder (Ashwagandha churna). Ashwangadha Churna or powder is called “Ashwagandhadi Churna ”. Here we are listing complete ingredients, preparation method, quantity-dosage and health benefits of Ashwagandhadi churna (Ashwagandha powder).
Ashwagandhadi churna ingredients –> Ashwagandha – 100 grams, Vidhara - 100 gram,
Ashwagandhadi churna preparation method –> Grind/mix/pound and flour both the ingredients together to prepare a fine/thin powder. Filter the powder properly and then mix and filter again for two times. Your Ashwagandhadi churna or Ashwagandha powder is ready. Fill it in a bottle. Ashwagandhadi churna is available with the same name in all ayurvedic medical shops in India.
Ashwagandhadi churna quantity and dosage –> one spoonful (5-5 grams) each every morning and evening with sweet, slightly hot milk. If milk is not available you can take it with water. If you are taking it with ghee or honey, drink water only after 15-20 minutes.
Ashwagandhadi churna health benefits –> this churna/powder is such beneficial for overall health that not only married men and women, but young and unmarried boys and girls can use it too because even being a source of virility, vigour and power, it is not excitatory. Its uses eliminate sperm defects, semen loss, looseness of sexual organ and premature ejaculation. It increases sexual energy and power. Apart from these sexual health benefits, it also provides positives to nervous system, veins, arteries, brain and heart. It provides much power to the brain, heart and entire body. It nourishes all the dhaatus of the body, especially shukra (sperm). It eliminates sleeplessness (insomnia), weakness of heart and mind. Body becomes health, shapely and strong. Face becomes lively and perfervid, too. Body gains some weight and agility improves. Both married and unmarried people should use it for the entire winter season. It's a tried and tested ayurveda remedy.