Acupressure points for Alopecia

Acupressure points for Alopecia, Acupressure treatment for Alopecia, Acupressure reflex points for Alopecia

Acupressure points for Alopecia

Acupressure points for Alopecia, Acupressure treatment for Alopecia, Acupressure reflex points for Alopecia


Acupressure treatment for Alopecia

Alopecia is loss of hair sometimes occurring at young age. The onset is sudden with patchy hair loss. It can be due to excessive worry & mental stress or of syphilitic origin.

Acupressure treatment of Alopecia:

Du 20, Ex6

Points in the patches devoid of hair

K3, Lu7, Li4, Tw5, Lu 7

Reflex points : brain, pituitary.