Allergic Rhinitis (hay fever)
Rhinitis is the inflammation of nasal mucus membrane. Allergic rhinitis is characterized by spasmodic attacks of sneezing and discharge from the nose (rhinorrhoea) as a result of reaction to certain allergens. It is a very common disorder.
Causative factors:
Hormonal: it often begins with puberty and increases during pregnancy.
Climate – atmospheric pollution, humidity.
Dust, pollens, odor, feathers, mites
Emotional: psychological factors causing rhinitis.
Food – eggs, fish, milk, citrus fruit.
Paroxysmal sneezing with irritation in nose.
Profuse, watery nasal discharge.
Nasal obstruction
Loss of smell
Itching & watering of eyes.
Acupressure treatment of Allergic Rhinitis (hay fever):
Du 20, 23
LI 4, 19 20
Lu 7
St 3
Sp 10
Ex 1
Reflex points : brain, diaphragm, nose, chest, lungs, all toes.